Features - Creating a Monitor
How to create your first monitor with MonitorMe.io
What is a monitor? 🧑🏫
A monitor is a task that periodically checks the status of a service, such as a website or an API, or any other entity that can be automatically verified.
Configure your monitor
The API Endpoint requires:
- Monitor Name : A name to identify your monitor
- Monitor Type : The type of endPoint you are trying to Monitor, currently we support HTTP / HTTPS, and more options will be visible as they come
- URL : The actual endpoint you are trying to Monitor (Eg: https://www.google.com/ (opens in a new tab))
- HeartBeat (in s) : How frequently you want the task to run to check the status of the API, by default its set to 60s (every minute).
Advanced Alert Settings:
Alert configurations when something goes wrong
- Email IDs : You can add upto 5 email ids in the free version for alert notifications , just add the email id inside the text box and press enter, you can keep on adding emails like that. And if any incident occurs, it will be notified to these email Ids.
- Max Retries : The max retry count that the API is failing before an alert is being triggered, by default values is 4, meaning if the API check fails 4 times consecutively, it will trigger an alert. This is configurable later to adjust according to your need
- Latency Threshold : The threshold latency that is set, which when breached will trigger an alert. This will also get triggered is consecutively the number of retries set above has seen breach in threshold..
Once the monitor is created, the task will run periodically and the data generated ( latency, response code) will be stored for analytics. This data is visible in the particular monitor created.
Configure Monitor:
You can change the monitor settings that you just created by clicking on this option. This is available inside the monitor you just created.
Pause Monoitor :
The Pause button at the top right corner of the Monitor, can be used to pause the monitoring for as long as you want. And the same button to start monitoring again.
Latency Chart:
There are three latency charts available
Day: This displays the latency averaging every 10 minutes for that day.
Week : This displays the latency averaging every 6 hours for a week long.
Month : This displays the latency averaging every 24 hours for a month long.
Delete Monitor:
You can choose to delete your monitor, this will delete all the data until now. We are not archiving any of the deleted monitor values.
Incident Logs:
The Incident Logs show all the incidents that have happened till now with the API Monitors.